Monday, May 12, 2014

The End of a Grand Adventure

After a restless night at the airport our flight didn't leave until the afternoon so we waited. If we didn't make it on that flight we were going to be stuck until the next flight which was on Tuesday. We made it on the last two spots and we were even able to sit by each other. I thought we would sleep but we were still excited about everything we had just done so we watched movies and ate. We weren't so lucky at JFK where we didn't make it on the last flight of the night. Around 9pm we along with about 10 other standby passengers knew we wouldn't make it so we all became friends and searched for other options. Dan and I decided to try to make the first flight out straight to SLC and if we didn't make it we were going to try to get to Portland, then SLC. It was a freezing very restless night but luckily we were able to make the 7am flight home.

After walking an average of 14 miles a day, getting little sleep in train stations, hostels and airports, in desperate need of a shower and clean clothes we were home, with the memories of a lifetime! The time we spent together sometimes hungry and cold, never knowing where we would sleep but it didn't matter because we were together and it was an adventure.

Crossing our fingers we would make the next flight

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