Friday, January 25, 2013

Daniel's 28th Birthday Bash:
January 18-21

Originally I had a big plan for Dan and his birthday, especially because it was a long weekend, no work on Monday. Yay! I had a coupon for a bed and breakfast and I was going to make him a big dinner. Though I called too late to make reservations so I had to make a plan last minute. The cabin was free for the weekend and so we decided to go. It worked out perfectly because Dan's mom, brother Jethro, and sister Angela were driving back from Seattle from Angela's surgery to fix a bone in her ear and they wanted to stop in Logan to spend the day with us so instead we all went to the cabin. They have never been up there and being from St. George they aren't in the snow nearly as much as we are. It was so much fun. We were able to hot tub, sled, snow shoe, eat a ton and we even took them snowmobiling. Jethro loved being pulled behind the snowmobiles on the sled. We then all surprised Dan with a cake for his Birthday. They stayed until Sunday morning. We were able to spend the day together before we had our friends DJ and Rachel come up with their two adorable kids which was a blast.We left Monday evening. It turned out to be an amazing weekend.

Cute little Henry being pulled behind the snowmobiles
Happy 28th old man!

Friday, January 18, 2013

December 2012 - January 2013

PART Deux:
We spent the second part of the break with the Flores side. It worked out great this year because I wasn't going to start my new job until after the new year and Dan had a lot of vacation time built up so we decided to used it and have had a great break! After we finished on the Bishop side we headed out to St. George, We weren't there for Christmas so we had some catching up to do! Normally when we go to St. George we are busy all the time doing fun things. This time we were able to just spend most of the time hanging out with the family and watching movies with the kids. I love it because we always have BBQ's in St. George and now we've added playing dance dance and man they've got some moves!

We were able to do our gift exchange when we got there and it was so fun to see everybody and their Christmas stockpile. They must know us well because Dan's mom got us some sweaters and coats which is very needed in Logan.

Sadie and her gift from us

We were a little sad because originally Dan's mom wasn't going to be in St. George so we didn't think we would see her at all. I especially was sad because she always makes these great health drinks and goes for bike rides and walks so I love visiting, it's a big health kick :) So on Friday Priscilla came and asked if we wanted to road trip to Vegas to pick up his mom, she had decided to come back early so she could see everyone. It's a well known fact that I can't turn down road-trips so off we went. It was warm and relaxing and on our way back we even stopped at a Mexican grocery store so I had Dan show me authentic food to try.

Saturday we went bouldering with some friends. Now I have zero skills in bouldering. I can pretend with sport climbing but not bouldering so I pretty much just watched but then I decided to go for a run and to explore. It was such a cool place that I had a blast! Later on that night all the couples went out to eat for some sushi. I hate sushi, the thought of it makes me wanna puke, however, I am always up for trying anything and for the experience so I thought it was pretty fun, though I didn't like the sushi. Luckily I loved the chicken I got.

Enjoying the great outdoors!
Dan and his skills...
New Years!
Normally in the Bishop household we all break the ice in the pond and jump in, this year we spent New Years on the Flores side. We all hung out and we were supposed to have a pinata but Bruce forgot to bring it over but it was still a lot of fun. We had a feast and played some Dance Dance and enjoyed it not being -13 degrees. 2012 was a great year, Dan graduated and started grad school along with getting a great job. We got to travel a lot and we have enjoyed our 1 1/2 years of marriage so much. It has been a great adventure! I have a feeling 2013 will be just as great!

Taislee and Ciana with their moves
Taislee wearing the mask she is terrified of

The next morning we decided to go to the driving range with Dan's brothers. It was a little chilly but it was pretty fun, though I'm not a great golfer. I was sad that we had to leave, especially because the pinata was finally there. It was such a great break with both sides and I wasn't ready to come back to Logan. The upside was that I was starting my new job that I was so excited about! Nothing beats the holidays with family.

Golfing Skills
No caption needed...

December 2012 - January 2013

Though we were only going to be in Logan for about half of December we still decided to decorate. There is something about decorating your little apartment with your husband, your own little family. So we pulled out our decorations (which aren't much but hey, it's a little apartment with only two of us). Afterward we made hot chocolate and watched "It's a Wonderful Life." I do admit, it was my first time ever seeing it but I now understand why it is a classic. I loved it.
Friday December 7 we went to a work dinner party for Dan at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building which was a lot of fun. We got to dress up and I was able to meet a lot of his co-workers. Afterward we walked around Temple Square which was packed! Saturday Dan helped Brent Ventura fix some things in his basement and I spent the day setting up for Kelsi's Christmas Dance. We rented a U-haul and decorated the back. It looked awesome but pretty much two minutes after they got in the lights went out but hey, it was still an adventure! It had started snowing so we had to drive really slow. Staci Dan and I all drove in the cab of the U-Haul and we ate at a different table than Kelsi's group but it was really fun to be out and about. Kelsi looked so beautiful!

Temple Square
You can't see it but there are two big stuffed bears and carpet and disco balls inside
Arriving at the Dance
Kelsi and Isaac....cute

We usually head out early on the weekends but we decided to go to our ward Christmas party which turned out to be a lot of fun. They even had the Grinch there, these are the times we wish we had children so we don't look so creepy getting excited to see the Grinch ha ha. 

We spent the first week with the Bishop side.
On Saturday we got up early in order to see "The Hobbit". Free tickets thanks to my padre! It was so fun to see so many of both Dan and my friends. We ate a ton and one night even had dinner with the older ladies in my parents ward, thanks to my mom's great hosting. Dan even flirted with some of them. I did talk Dan into coming to Hot Yoga with me on Tuesday and on Wednesday we went to a luncheon with Elder L. Tom Perry before checking out City Creek and riding the trax/front runner home.
We had a terrible picture at the luncheon so we're going with the trax pic 

The week went by so fast! Friday we had a cousin dinner with my mom's only sister and her family. It has been a while since we have seen them so that was a lot of fun. Saturday we....
Sunday...the big day! I know it's not Christmas but it was the day that the whole Bishop side did our Christmas gift exchange. It is probably one of my favorite days of the year. I love having all the mass chaos and fun. We even do a "no thank you gift" and that is always a riot. This year we bought a $4 TV from the D.I. It was a hit. 
Dan checking how thick the ice is on the pond
Bishop gift exchange...not everyone is in the picture, in total we had about 27 people.