Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Business Trip
Santa Monica, CA
October 14-15 2013

My boss asked me if I wanted to go to Santa Monica for a recruiting fair. I was excited, it might not be fancy but hey, it's free travel and a chance to learn something new. So off we went for a one night stay in California. We walked around the town the night we got there and the next day we went to the recruiting fair. I had a great time and can't wait to do it again!

Santa Monica Pier
Beautiful Sunset!!!
Proof I was there
Can't get enough of this sunset
Cool Canon
My boss and I ate outside on the pier with these cool fire things 
Free food, I will take it! 
Working a little...
Boys Climbing Weekend
October 10-13

I always get to do so many fun things, Dan works so hard and supports me when opportunities come up so I get excited when he and his buddies plan an climbing trip, it's nothing glamorous but they always have fun, every husband needs some guy time. They left Thursday after work and drove to Joe's Valley where they camped and climbed until Sunday afternoon when they returned after a weekend of campfires, climbing chalk, dirt, sweat and a little shadow of a beard. Here is a little video that Hector, Dan's brother put together.