Wednesday, May 29, 2013


May started off with a bang! May 4, 2013 Daniel David Flores graduated with a double bachelors and a Masters of Accounting from Utah State University. I am so proud of him, he worked full time, went to school full time and was fully supportive of all my endeavors. Most of his family, along with some of my family were able to come and it was a blast having everyone there. We had a BBQ after at a park that was connected to the local zoo which they thought was pretty fun. We even had snow cones and pulled out the slack line.We gained more than a few pounds, went swimming, played at the park, went bowling, laser tagging, arcades and a little bit of shopping. Happy Graduation to Dan My Man!

Hector on the slackline
Enrique and Rique going Fishin'
Jamee and Taislee
The cake that Laura and Priscilla made...

I was a little bummed because we missed my nieces baptism that weekend but another niece was baptized a week later so we were able to celebrate with the both of them. The baptism was at Martins Cove in Wyoming. Some of the family rented an RV and went on a road-trip.Needless to say it was an adventure, and the drive didn't seem nearly as long as it usually does. After the baptism we pulled some handcarts in style.

Ty loved watching Grandpa drive
Dan held sick little Eva
Josh and Kirsten 
Martins Cove river
Having fun in the handcarts

Well the time had come....I have always wanted to do a sprint triathlon. So we did it. We signed up for one at Sand Hollow in St. George. Well that 6 months sure went by really fast. We did train but probably not as vigorously as we should have. We were a little bit nervous but there was no turning back! May 18, 2013 Jill Bishop, Jamie Ventura, Chelsea Bishop, Staci Bishop, Kelsi Bishop, Aubrey Bishop, Madeline Foutz, Daniel Flores and I accomplished a sprint triathlon. We all did it in pretty good time and I am so proud of everyone. It was so much fun we are definitely going to do it again.

Preparing for the race!
Getting Nervous!
And off we go....
This picture was published in a local newspaper
We did it! check one off the bucket list
It was Kami's wedding and of course it fell on the same day as the sprint triathlon I had been planning for months so I did my best. Dan was so great because he loaded everything up while I hurried and showered then we drove 4 hours to make the wedding. It was crazy but it was worth it. I was able to see so many of my great friends again.

We were able to spend our last weekend of May at the cabin for Memorial Day. We had a fire, rode bikes, worked on the tree house, cleaned the cabin, hiked and went 4 wheeling. Always a blast at the cabin.
The tree house is coming together
4-wheeling time
Brent and Ty throwing rocks into the river

April Chaos

I can't believe how time flies! April was gone in a blink of an eye but it was filled with so many great fun things! We were able to do the flow-rider again. This time part of the Bishop clan was able to go and it was hilarious. Everyone loved the I-fly, flow-rider and rock climbing. We had a packed day and it was a blast!

Ready to fly...
If you can't mom LOVED it
Ty wanted to swing more than rock climb
One of many falls...way to fall in style Dan
I was able to throw a shower for one of my best friends. It turned out pretty well. As it was finishing up I had to help Kelsi get ready for prom.

Kelsi always looks so pretty
Every year there is the Make-A-Wish gala and this year Dan was able to go so I was very excited. It was a fun night with auctions and food and great wish kids! I didn't get any pictures but was able to get one of David giving a quick speech.

This was definitely one of my favorite Galas 
Dan had some time off after the busy tax season so we decided to have a day out, like the old dating days. We drove around the valley and stumbled upon some llamas and a cool fort by the water. Nothing like small towns.