Friday, November 9, 2012

Halloween Fun!

I love Halloween. AMC has scary movies on TV all month long, we get to act weird and people think nothing of it and you get to eat candy guilt free (though I do that all the time anyway). One night we carved pumpkins with me, Dan, Mike, Michelle, Dan's friend DJ and his wife Rachel and their two kids Henry and Lottie. I have to admit my patience for pumpkin carving is not very high, though it was a really fun night.

The next day we went to a pumpkin launch, made an audition video for the hilarious TV show "Wipeout" (that one deserves a whole blog post of it's own!) then we went over to Mike and Michelle's friends house and had dinner and carved more pumpkins. We got the best pumpkin ever. It was easy to gut and to carve and it was by far the best carving I've ever done (well Dan helped...I guess). They were so nice to invite us over!

Monday night the business school was putting on a Halloween carnival so we took Alex, Brooklyn, Kylie, Trey and Sawyer. Their costumes were so awesome! We were able to do the bounce house, face painting, bean bag throw, cupcake walk and a few other things. It was really fun to steal kids for Halloween.

Halloween night. Work was crazy so I was really glad when 5p.m. rolled around. We went to a stake chili cook off, with games and then a trunk or treat. We weren't in that stake but rather went with Mike and Michelle since it was their stake. The trunk or treat was actually really cool. Everyone had their cars decorated. Mike and Michelle's was the best! It's hard to tell in the picture but they had dry ice flowing through the back. Mike was the grim reaper, Michelle was a pirate, I was Katniss from Hunger Games and Dan was a Mexican fieldworker. After that we had hot chocolate and watched an old movie called "Flowers in the Attic."

This past weekend (the beginning of November), we went to the cabin to work on the tree house then we went to Cirque de Solei which was awesome! It made me really wanna learn the trapeze. Sunday we had the baby blessing for Eva Jill Ventura. It has been a great month.

Halloween Carnival at USU
Trunk or Treat...
Not the best picture but Mike and Dan are working on the tree house
ouch Dan...
If only I could bend like them!


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Fall Break:
Oct. 19-21

A lot of my family were going to the Notre Dame vs. BYU game in Chicago and Dan and I weren't going to go so we decided to go to the cabin. The weather was perfect and we went hiking and 4-wheeling and it was so nice to be out of the office, and out of service. We didn't stay too long because I was babysitting for Dave and Mandi and Dan was headed out for a guys climbing trip. It turned out to be a good weekend for both of us. Not our usual go somewhere for fall break but it was still a good weekend. Dan loved climbing again and seeing his buddies, getting older makes it harder to do those things. Though being boys they didn't really take any pictures.
I babysat Madi, Logan and Kate and we had a blast together. We decorated pumpkins, played in the pond, and all sorts of games, had movie nights and more. I was even able to spend some great time with my mom, Staci and Jamie. It felt like I was back home for the summer.

Pumpkin Painting!
Little Acrobats
Um...Mandi/Dave ignore this one ha ha
Dan's only picture from his climbing trip but it sounded like they had a blast!