Tuesday, August 16, 2011

June 11, 2011 - June 18, 2011

We left for Orlando the day after our wedding. After having such a hectic week with work and the wedding and all other day to day activities we decided to really relax while on our honeymoon, but we weren't completely lame. So our first day there we decided to hit the town... and a motorcyclist.
We went to Universal Studios where it was nice and hot. We rode many rides and had many laughs all in anticipation for Harry Potter land! After one ride in Harry Potter Land we felt sick. The combination of heat, humidity, hunger and exhaustion quickly took its toll on us, so we decided to leave early. Also, they had decided because it was a tad bit cloudy there was a lightning storm risk and thus they closed down lots of rides :( So we left, only to come across the most delicious burgers at TGI Fridays. Yum!

After hearing amazin
g things about Cocoa Beach we decided to head East and experience Cocoa Beach for ourselves. It was fun. We built sand castles, chased seagulls, rented beach bikes, had lunch, and headed back to town.

We found a local attraction called Fun Spot Action Park. So we checked it out. We got henna tattoos, took western pictures at the local saloon, walked the boardwalk, played games, and sipped some sour lemonade.

We went multiple times to the Orlando Temple. Once to do baptisms for the dead and a second time as a double date with a friend named Dabba and his date.

Before we had gotten married we decided that while on our honeymoon we would go skydiving. So after much research we found a place called Jump Florida. We called and made an appointment for the last day of our honeymoon. We got there on time but for some reason they let another group go before us. We waited and waited and finally were able to suit up and get ready to jump. Well, as luck would have it, as we were about to get on the plane the pilot says, "I don't like the looks of those clouds. Let me check the radar." A few minutes later he returned and said due the the weather we would not be able to jump. We were very sad slash wanted to stab someone... in the eye. Oh well, next time.

But our favorite thing was the stay at home dinners, counting the many broken down cars along the side of the road, and being with someone awesome.

The Wedding.... June 10, 2011

The wedding day was perfect. I woke up at 7 and took my little sister Kelsi with me to get my hair done, when we got back I ate breakfast and played with my nieces until it was time to go to the temple. I don't think either of us were really ever nervous, just more excited. We got married at the Bountiful Temple at 11:15 a.m. When leaving the temple everyone, and I mean everyone had made a huge tunnel for us to go under. We took some pictures and mostly just enjoyed the day. The weather was perfect, not hot with a little breeze.

After the Temple, we had enough time to go visit my grandpa at the old folks home. He was wearing a burnt orange shirt to match our colors and he looked pretty snazzy. While I changed from my dress Dan flirted with all the little old ladies there and they absolutely loved him. The biggest advice I got for the wedding day was to make sure you eat. For most people they are so stressed and excited and overwhelmed they don't eat. Well we were calm and were definitely going to eat, in fact....we ate a delicious cheese burger, fries and root beer from Apollo Burger.

When we got to the house we realized we still had plenty of time, so I changed into pajamas and we ordered a bunch of Pizza's. Our photographer showed up and pictures went so fast we didn't know what to do with the rest of our time so some played hacky-sac, some slept, others had a headstand contest and all the little kids played. I loved that, we were able to enjoy every minute of the day.

The Reception:

We had the reception in my backyard from 7-9 p.m. I always knew it would be there and all I really wanted was lots of candles and good weather. Everything went even better than planned. Even though it was June I wanted a fall look so our colors were burnt orange and sage green. I told our florist the colors and let her do whatever she wanted, the flowers turned out amazing. We had really good food and even an ice-cream bar.
People started showing up and I was back in my pajamas so I threw my dress on and we ran outside. It was so fun seeing everyone that has been in our lives, every conversation was a blast. For about 3 minutes the sky got cloudy and the wind picked up, knocking over one of our pictures, but then it was gone. There were still clouds but it was perfect because it made it so it wasn't hot and when it got darker you could see all the candles and the tiki torches where we stood. Our great photographer decided to steal us during a break in the line and we snuck to the back pond where we went canoeing and nearly fell over. It was my favorite part of the night. All of a sudden it was 9 and we were being told to cut the cake. I couldn't believe that the day had gone so fast. I had always hated the smashing of the cake into the face and my mom absolutely hated it even more. I told Dan I would be mad if he did it. Somehow I couldn't help myself when I fed him the cake. The temptation took over and the rest is history. When we went to leave Dan had forgotten about the "official leaving" and so here I was, in a dress and he in his jeans, I never thought about getting rice, flowers, sparklers, etc... we really didn't care...we did however, leave in the golf cart.....It was the perfect day.

Monday, August 15, 2011

ThE pRoPoSaL:
January 16, 2011

When we started out as friends we had a little joke that Dan was going to win my heart over...being the ladies man he was, and me not interested in dating it was a funny combo. So one night he showed up at my window in the middle of the night and started serenading me with the "I wanna grow old with you" song by Adam Sandler from Wedding Singer. I was laughing and embarrassed I couldn't even look at him so I sat on my bed instead, afterward he tried to explain how it was a much funnier idea in his head...I mocked him for weeks. I learned my lesson. He only had one sweater in Logan and I decided to be a nice friend and make him one so he wouldn't freeze...So I went to Walmart, bought a sweater and terribly sewed a huge heart from pirate material. Same as him....I thought it was a much funnier idea in my head.

It was early Sunday morning of January 16, 2011. He was visiting one last time before he went to Peru for three months on an internship. We were just hanging out, I was in pajamas, messy hair and not showered when he told me he would be back. I could hear his heart pounding a mile away....I sat in the dark and heard car alarms going off and I knew it had to be him. A few minutes later I heard a knock on my window. I opened it up and there he was, t-shirt and pajama pants sitting in the snow at 2 a.m in the middle of January in Logan with his guitar. He said he wanted to try it again and so he played the "I wanna grow old with you" song once again...This time, I didn't really laugh at him. Afterward he asked me to marry him. I said yes and kept talking since it was after all an exciting event. He then asked me if he could come in, he was cold. And that's that...simple, no frills, nothing dramatic, but perfect. Four days later he left for three months.


First date:
27th of February, 2009 - There was a guy named Dan, he was pretty cool, we'd briefly crossed paths a few times. Mike had told me that he cooked him a delicious meal after only meeting him twice. Michael thinking to himself "heck yes free food. impressive he offered to make lunch" So I was sold. Well, he tried to play it cool and wait a few weeks before asking me out but when we had only known each other for a short time, he asked me out. But I was torn! I had plans to go to the MC Hammer and Vanilla Ice concert that Friday night. What to do? On one hand there's the man that no one can touch. On the other other hand a man that everyone has touched. What to do? Parachute pants or tan tight abs? or Dan.... Well, I decided to go with Dan, or as I used to call him back then Rico Suave. The date was pretty simple, a group of Dan's friends got together and we all made pizzas from scratch. Everyone stuck to traditional designs but Dan and I decided to think outside the box. We went with a snowboarding on a tropical island design. This photograph is proof of our awesomeness. After chowing down half the pizza we decided to hit the town! So we went to one of Logan's finer establishments (super wal-mart) and decided to play games. Everyone in the group wussed out because they were afraid of getting in trouble, but Dan and I continued playing. After we got done for the night Dan walked me home. I didn't get to see the Iceman nor the Hammer but I still had fun with Dan...luckily it was worth it :)

First time we knew we were more than just friends:

My Side:

One night in about October I had just finished up at the library in time to head to the TSC on campus for the showing of the new Harry Potter, after getting there and sitting by Dan I started to realize he was seriously awesome...a few nights later we had been hanging out with friends. I decided to go home around two a.m. and as I was walking home it started to rain. He called me and suggested we go slip 'n sliding on Old Main Hill. So of course we did, and it was freezing. Afterward we decided to drive around, we came across an old man (it was about 5:30 a.m by then) and we gave him a ride since it was dark and cold. The ride home I knew that I liked Dan more than just a friend. I was so mad.

His side:

From the get go Lj and I hit it off and so I always thought she was awesome! We were adventure buddies and would do the most random things together. Pretty much if either of us had any spare time we were finding an adventure to go on! But, I never looked at her as anything other than a good friend. We just had so much fun together, plus I always thought she was out of my league, so why make things awkward. Well, one night (after many years of friendship…. okay it was after knowing her for a year) we were Rolla blazing to our friend’s apartment. As we were making our way through a church parking lot Lj was telling me something so of course I was actively listening. While we talked I noticed that on this particular day she decided to wear what she calls her “Fat Suit,” which consists of a baggy set of sweats and a big sweat shirt. Her awesome attire was also accompanied by her always fashionable messy bun! She just looked ridiculous (not in a bad way just in a funny way), and as we roller bladed I laughed and thought to myself “I like her”. After that, I decided I would work towards making her mine. Many people said it wouldn't happen (including Lj) but I was victorious and now she is stuck with me.

First Kiss:
It had only been about two days since he and his ex had decided to end things when Dan, me and our friend were hanging out at my apartment. They both fell asleep and I went into my room and was lying on the floor reading the newspaper when he came in. Our friend was sound asleep...snoring actually, when he decided that would be a great time for our first kiss. Pretty romantic ;)

First I love you:

My favorite story....It might sound weird but I had a walk in closet in my room at Oakridge and I always felt like it was a fort. So one night we were just hanging out in "the fort" and Dan fell asleep (old man). I was working on some homework and suddenly he said "I love you"...it hadn't been that long since we had started dating and it was still a little weird getting used to, however, I thought it was hilarious because he woke up and was totally embarrassed. He likes to forget that story and say the first time he said I love you was in the Spring of 2010. He said, "I don't want to freak you out so you don't have to respond but, I think I love you" I thought it was cute. Took me a few more weeks to realize I loved him as well...Took a lot for me to say it but I finally told him I loved him too.

How we met... The real story!

Well... if my memory serves me right, it was the 4th day of the first month of the first year of the reign of Obama. It was a cold dark night, I had just rolled into Logan when I looked up at the thermometer in my truck, it read -1 degrees. Discourage by the cold and beat down by the 5 and 1/2 hour drive from St George I needed something to lift my spirits. I was new to town and therefore had no friends. I scrolled and scrolled through my contacts hoping I would find a number for someone that would have a warm place and a warm smile. Failure! All I could find was Bryan Janson. With no options left I called this fellow and he told me of a small get together going on in his apartment. Reluctantly I accepted his offer. I left for his place. To my surprise, as I drove to his apartment, my phone rang, it was a good friend of mine named Chris. He too was looking for fun that night and so I whisked away to pick him up and together we went to Bryans Place.
When Chris and I arrive we entered and were greeted by many smiling faces. There were people of many sort; tall, short, male, female, skinny, wide, but sadly none of the brown kind. We entered and began conversing. They all seemed like cool people. One person that stood out while I was there was Lj. She and I didn't talk much because she was so cool and had so many friends that her presence was requested elsewhere and so left shortly after I arrive. But she seemed really fun so I definitely wanted to be her friend.

Friday, August 12, 2011

How We Met:
I can't remember the first time we met but it was sometime in January of 2009. I thought Dan was pretty cool and soon we became great friends. I remember one day we decided to explore. We found a creamy factory and paid 12 cents for a rejected creamy. When leaving the factory Dan decided he needed to drive my car and hit a huge pothole, practically taking the bumper off. We then found an old tractor that we proceeded to play on. Later we would go back to that place and hook a sled up to his truck when it was raining and get pulled behind in the mud.

My two favorite memories of our friend days was when we found an old tree overhanging a slow running river out west. We climbed in the tree and decided to jump into the murky water in our clothes. My other favorite memory was when we decided to watch Children of the Corn in an abandoned corn maze in the middle of November. Needless to say it was freezing and we were too cold to move so we ended up sleeping in the ditch until about 5 a.m. Our friendship together consisted of Squeeze-it's, roller blades, and random adventures including lots of trees, cemeteries and of course box cars.

Everyone always told us to date and I would get so mad, we were such good friends I knew it would ruin things. Besides, I knew Dan pretty well and needless to say he was a ladies man. "Rico Suave" is what I called him and I told him a few times to remind me never to date him....

Making a Blog

After years of never understanding the point of blogs I find myself here making one....with not much to say. I realized that I could make a blog, for myself, kind of like a journal. This way I could look back and see what's been happening with my life instead of a computer full of disorganized pictures and memories. After all, life holds many great adventures and I don't want to forget any of them. So here it is...my first blog post. Correction....OUR first blog post.