Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A good start to July

July 1
We wanted start out July right and to get some good use out of our bikes so Dan and I went to the bottom of Tony Grove and rode our bikes up. It’s about 7 miles one way, though it is extremely steep and it took us about 50 minutes to get to the top, sore and dripping in sweat but it was so rewarding, and going down was beautiful (not to mention super-fast!) We have really loved our bikes!

July 2
The next day we went boating with the family. Dan has been cursed and every time we have tried boating the boat breaks (including in Lake Powell). This time was a success! The weather was amazing and we had plenty of time to wakeboard, ski, knee board and of course….banana! Which is definitely the best part! I have missed boating so much! Sadly our truck’s fan belt broke and it took about 4 hours to get back to Logan (normally a 30 minute drive) since it kept over-heating and we didn’t get back until past midnight, but it was well worth it.

July 3
We couldn’t stop there and on Wednesday we went to the Oakley Rode to celebrate the 4th of July! I have been a few times and it has always been such a blast. The best part is we get to go to the cabin after.

St. George: 4th of July
The night of the 4th of July we drove to St. George, we went to watch fireworks then we did fireworks at the house. Bruce bought a huge firework and it was probably the best one I have ever seen! It was so nice having so much time in St. George.We were able to spend all of Friday-Monday. We went biking and hiking along with swimming for hours a day, I was even able to get little Olivia to like swimming.We also took the kids to Despicable Me 2. Dan went shooting while I hung out with the girls. Monday we didn't have to leave for the Grand Canyon until 6 p.m. that night so we did a good bike ride, then hiked a canyon called Yankee-Doodle. Afterwards we swam again before we headed out.

Taislee in her adorable 4th of July outfit, ready for fireworks!
Playing with Fireworks that night
Playing at the Pool! McCoy and Angela
Rique showing off his moves
Canyoneering Yankee Doodle
Having fun in June

Back in April at the Make-A-Wish Gala my mom won some registrations into the Color Me Rad race at the auction. Granted, it's not much actually running though it turned out to be a lot of fun. Anything to stay active!
The big weekend of June! Every summer the whole family gets together and we do what is called "The Bishop Birthday Bash". We rotate through names and get that person a birthday present. This year my parents rented out the pool for it. We even recently started the “no thank you” gifts where you bring something weird or funny and we do a white elephant exchange. Before the bash we all went to Brent and Jamie's to sleep over so we could hike Timpanogos Cave the next morning. I haven't been there in years and Dan has never been so it was a really fun adventure, though it was steeper than I remember.

Navy loved Smokey
Brent and Jill opening presents
Ty pulling Eva in a little wagon