Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Lake Powell:
Sept. 8-11

After driving 12 hours back from San Diego on Monday Sept. 5 we got a call from my dad (Brent) telling Dan and I that we could go to Lake Powell with them the next weekend. They were leaving Thursday after school. So we jumped at the chance to go to the greatest place on earth! So only 3 days after returning from a great road trip we jumped in the car and headed out for another 8 hour drive. We couldn't leave until late that night because Dan had some school things he needed to do at school. The night before I stayed over at Bryan and Lindsay's house in order to babysit the kids while they went on a getaway. (A great surprise from Lindsay for Bryan) I was up at 4:30 a.m and after the kids headed off to school Bryan and Lindsay returned. I had to hurry to Farmington to pick up Dave and Mandi's kids (Logan, Kaitlynn and Madi). We were supposed to babysit them for the weekend while Dave and Mandi went to Texas to the BYU game. Plans changed when we decided to go to Lake Powell and thankfully Mike and Michelle took over the babysitting job. After getting back to Logan with the kids, putting them to bed and packing up we finally headed out. I was so tired by then that Dan pretty much drove the whole way to the hotel where mom, dad, Aubrey and Kelsi were staying for the night. We got there around 4 a.m and slept on the floor.

After getting to the Lake we headed out for some fun. Sadly it got cold and rainy but we refused to let it go to waste so after getting wet by the rain we jumped on the banana. It was Dan's first time so we had a good time. The next day we headed out and hiked "hole in the rock" which was pretty fun and it had a great view of the lake. After hiking back down, Dan and I were looking forward to being able to hit the knee board and show off our skills. Sadly the boat decided it only wanted to work going backwards so we drifted for a while, all the while my dad was trying to figure out how to get us back to the house boat. Dan and Aubrey decided to explore while I hung out on the boat. Finally we figured out how to at least go forward and we headed back, we took a little detour to Rainbow Bridge which I always love seeing. It was a great ride back to the house boat.

The next day was Sunday and since we had Elder Lynn Robbins and his family with us we knew church would be a long endeavor so when we finished we decided to get back to Logan since Dan had school the next day. It was a short but great trip. Lake Powell is my favorite place on earth.

Hole in the Rock:

Rainbow Bridge:

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