Wednesday, September 14, 2011

July 2 - July 9, 2011

Brent and Jill gave us all a vacation together in Cancun for Christmas of 2010. When I say all I mean ALL. So EVERYONE was there, 31 family members and a nanny. It was decided that Kaitlynn and Logan would not go, due to being busy body toddlers and it would have been difficult for them to be there.

The trip started with a midnight hockey game in Bountiful with the boys, friends, and Aubrey!!! She did well on the ice with all them boys.

David in his 'great?' attire

Aubrey going after the puck

The view from our villa

Lots of swimming in the pool.

Mike wants a baby.

Dan was the amazing sculpture! We had great mermaids, turtles, and a horse!

Tulum: ancient ruins

Coba ruins: You can climb one of the temples too!

Wonders of the World: Adventure park included zip lines, zip lines into a cenote, snorkeling, repelling, roller coaster zip lines, peddle bike zip line and lunch.

The ride into the park....haha quite the bumpy ride in this old truck

The peddle zip line was quite the adventure... Most were eaten alive by mosquitoes but both Dan and I had bug repellent that ran out before others could use it. When we were half way through, we came to a dead stop. A little kid had gotten scared and wouldn't move so it caused everyone to come to a dead stop.... Finally about 30 minutes later we started moving. Michael was the rear of our group when we started moving. We all got to the end and patiently waited for Michael but he was no where to be found! Could it be that the jungle had taken Michael as a human sacrifice? Shortly after, we heard a shout from the trees like a scared little monkey "I'M STUCK!!!" Michael's fat butt broke his bike! He was stuck and the safety feature was the only thing keeping the bike on the zip line. So he asked the workers if they would like him to just climb down the tree. So Michael un-clipped out of the bike and climbed down the tree like the little monkey he is! Ha Ha what an adventure!

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