Monday, August 15, 2011

How we met... The real story!

Well... if my memory serves me right, it was the 4th day of the first month of the first year of the reign of Obama. It was a cold dark night, I had just rolled into Logan when I looked up at the thermometer in my truck, it read -1 degrees. Discourage by the cold and beat down by the 5 and 1/2 hour drive from St George I needed something to lift my spirits. I was new to town and therefore had no friends. I scrolled and scrolled through my contacts hoping I would find a number for someone that would have a warm place and a warm smile. Failure! All I could find was Bryan Janson. With no options left I called this fellow and he told me of a small get together going on in his apartment. Reluctantly I accepted his offer. I left for his place. To my surprise, as I drove to his apartment, my phone rang, it was a good friend of mine named Chris. He too was looking for fun that night and so I whisked away to pick him up and together we went to Bryans Place.
When Chris and I arrive we entered and were greeted by many smiling faces. There were people of many sort; tall, short, male, female, skinny, wide, but sadly none of the brown kind. We entered and began conversing. They all seemed like cool people. One person that stood out while I was there was Lj. She and I didn't talk much because she was so cool and had so many friends that her presence was requested elsewhere and so left shortly after I arrive. But she seemed really fun so I definitely wanted to be her friend.

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