Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Grand Canyon
Day 4: Friday 12

We came to a big waterfall called Deer Creek Falls that was really powerful and a little chill. Every time you would try to get closer the power of it would push you away, we did this right before we hiked to what was called the patio. You had to do a pretty steep hike then hold onto the side of the canyon and kind of shimmy across it, if you fell it was certain death. We came to 2 more waterfalls there. It was a fun hike and it made me really want to go canyoneering again. I was able to chat with a few of the other travelers, one of which had wanted to do the trip for over 25 years. His name was Bob from Boston, he brought his friend Bill. Bill had never once been camping our done anything outdoors in his life so he had a crash course!
Deer Creek Falls
Hiking straight up
Made it to the top!
I had to take a picture, it's a boy thing to pee off cool places 
Cool picture of Dave at a waterfall we found at the top
  Next we up to a really cool waterfall called Hidden Elves Chasm, this was one of my favorites by far. You could swim across the water and climb up and then jump off into the water below. It was pure bliss! It was funny because Mike jumped and lost the go-pro but was able to find it again.
We did a short hike to a really warm waterfall, it felt like a bath and we were all able to play in it, though we couldn’t jump from the top. We made Staci pose with an invisible husband. We were all hoping she and Joel would hit it off ;)

Jumping off such a fun waterfall...and the water was warm!
Mike with the go-pro, luckily he found it again!
Just another waterfall to play in!
Dan photo-shopped the two....such a cute couple 
During our bathing time that night a bunch of boys played in the water with a ball and even though it was freezing I decided to swim around for a while since I was already cold and wet, but I felt clean after-wards! After that a group of us played a few rounds of Boce ball on the beach, it turned out to be a pretty hilarious night, I never thought Boce ball could actually be fun. That night we were all sitting around after dinner and one of the travelers with us, an older man named Stan showed us the dance, “the wobble” we all busted a move and had a dance party on the beach. It was actually really funny.

The boys playing in the water
Getting our groove on

Listening to our guide play the guitar at night, such a great experience

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