Friday, October 21, 2011

Grandpa Funeral/Kelsi homecoming
October 7-9

Grandpa Johansen passed away at 8:17 Wednesday Oct. 5 2011. Mike, Michelle, Dan and I were all at the three dollar theater watching Captain America when we heard the news. It was sad but great news all in one. Grandpa had been waiting so long to pass so that he could be with my grandma again. He lived in constant pain with no mobility. His mind was crisp but because of his stroke he couldn't form the words he was trying to say, causing much frustration.

I got off of work Friday and Mike, Michelle, Dan and I hurried home for the viewing that started around six and we spent that time with the family. Everyone (but Chelsea) was able to make it, including Brandon, Betsy, and Staci (along with her boy-toy Brock). It was a sad but joyous time for the family, especially knowing how free Grandpa finally was. It might sound crazy but he looked so peaceful. Kelsi was going to homecoming the next day and their activity was to go to the football game that Friday night so her date, Isaac came to the viewing with her then they went to the game. He was a good sport, especially when he didn't know what to do as Kelsi was upset over the loss.

We headed to the viewing in the morning where we were able to talk with more friends and family. Then the funeral began. It was so fun to see everyone share their memories and give the love and respect my grandpa deserved. He lived such a great fascinating life, there were so many things I learned about him. I gave the Eulogy and my mom and Julie talked about their dad's life. Each grandchild shared a memory they had about him. There were so many to pick from, such as when he would dress up like Santa Clause and give everyone a Christmas gift. Or when grandma and he would take us to village in for pancakes and hot chocolate. Every time I get in the car I can still hear them say, "Where's the click?" Or how my grandma and grandpa always matched and looked so cute and so full of life. But perhaps one of my favorite memories was when I went to visit him not too long ago and I was wearing a green bomber jacket. He told me that my jacket reminded him of the war and for the first time in a long time he was able to form full sentences. I will always treasure that memory. There are other memories as well. Like learning to change him or help him go to the bathroom, to help him into his wheel chair and to keep him not bored all day. I feel blessed that I was able to learn those lessons and to gain so much compassion. He was a great teacher, even in his old age.

My mom then sang the song she wrote for him which was such a beautiful song. She talked about how my grandparents had met at the Coconut grove and danced the night away while Grandma Jo wore her red chiffon dress. 8:00 every Saturday he would dance with my mom and aunt when they were little. They would step on his toes and twirl around. He also passed away at 8 pm, the song was so special. I loved it! After that it was time for the graveside ceremony. There were Marines there to honor my grandpa and I became the official photographer. It was a beautiful ceremony.
After the graveside ceremony the relief society from his ward prepared everyone lunch which was so nice of them since we had a huge family.

The kids at the luncheon

When we all got back it was finally a time to relax. We all just hung out for a few hours before Kelsi had to get ready for Homecoming. She was worn out and didn't really know how to be feeling at that time, but we all pitched in and helped her get ready. She looked beautiful!!! Isaac came and got her and we had the whole (and I mean everyone) chanting his about overwhelming and awkward for a shy 16 year old boy but I think he liked it. They looked so cute and they had a fun time. It turned out to be such a fulfilling day.
Never fall asleep around the Bishops.

Sunday we all went to church together and then we celebrated Brent Bishop's birthday Oct. 9. Brock brought over a huge BYU bird house and it was an eventful day.

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